Need an easy activity to do with your kiddo(s)? We've made the traditional salt dough ornament recipe EVEN EASIER for you! This seriously takes 2 minutes of prep and then your child can form it into whatever shape they want!
You most likely have these ingredients at home, and it's so easy! If you're receiving our December Krate, you'll get to do this again!
Salt Dough ornament (yields 1):
1 Tablespoon flour
1 Tablespoon salt
Glitter (optional)
1 Tablespoon salt
Glitter (optional)
Mix dry ingredients (important)
Add 1 Tablespoon water and mix till dough forms. If needed, add a little extra water.
Form into desired FLAT shape and bake at 200 for one hour. Make sure you form a small hole for ribbon. If not completely dry when baking is finished, leave flat until dry.
Paint your ornament or decorate with permanent markers and hang on your tree!
Paint your ornament or decorate with permanent markers and hang on your tree!
If you like this activity and want to join us for our December Krate, sign up today at https://kidsfaithkrate.com and use the code 5off for $5 off! We will spend all December focusing on the real meaning of Christmas while having fun and making memories! Kids Faith Krate makes the perfect Christmas present!

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