Our world feels different this Easter. Things are not the same. In times like these, we have an opportunity to parent our children and teach them to be strong and lean on Jesus. That can feel difficult when our minds are full of statistics, concerns, and homeschooling. But cherishing Easter this year can be simple with a few intentional suggestions from us.
Here are four tips to help your family cherish Easter during this season:
1. Enjoy simplicity.
Each year can be a battle against commercialized Easter. I have found it hard to stay focused on the true meaning of the holiday. My kids come home from school with bunny arts and crafts. The grocery store is full of chocolate, eggs, and baskets. Culture pushes in, but this year just a little bit less. Instead of grieving the missed social events and egg hunts, thank God for simplicity. His Gospel isn’t complicated. Even the youngest of children can grasp it, and the Bible says even angels long to look into its wonder and mystery (cf. 1 Pt 1:21). When we could not save ourselves from our sin, God came and saved us by dying for us. He died and rose again and set us free from sin and shame. This message is simple, yet it has changed the course of history.
2. Worship with your church family online.
Don’t neglect to worship with your church family. There is a special grace that felt when people gather together to worship the Name of Jesus. God saves a people to himself, and we are the people of God. Don’t lose your identity as his chosen people. When people gather together, his presence is in their midst. Encouragement can come from the unity we have when we come together! Even though the way God’s people come together may look different, praise God, it is still possible! Make worshipping as a family a cherished memory this Easter season. Make weekly Sunday worship a regular anchor in time of chaos. If your church doesn’t have an online service, hop on one that does!
3. Have intentional conversations about the Gospel.
It’s easy to live life with people, but forget to invest in meaningful conversations. Intentional conversation can feel vulnerable. You wonder if you might not say something just right. But I have found that I am always so grateful when I push into those conversations instead of shying away. Your kids need to hear what Jesus means to you. They need to know why he came, died, and rose again. They need to know that his life, death, and resurrection have a powerful effect on your life and on their lives. Jesus put himself in the most vulnerable position when he became a man. He allowed the worst to happen to him so that we might have good news to share! Take a few moments to share this good news with your children in this time.
4. Look to the future.
The longer life goes feeling different; the greater the temptation is towards discouragement. When is this going to end? How long is this going to last? Will things always feel this way? For all of these questions, the Gospel gives us an unfailing hope. Can you imagine how the disciples must have felt on Good Friday when their friend and leader died on a cross? All of their hopes and dreams seemed to fail in a single day. They must have thought all was lost. They probably thought the ministry and message of Jesus was over. Things felt sad and different. There was discouragement, grief, and hopelessness.
But a mere three days later, on Easter Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead. He defeated the power of sin and death. He did not leave his people in a state of eternal death from their sin. He did not leave his followers in a state of grief and despair. We can see the Gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere. Psalms say the heavens declare the glory of God (Ps 19:1). We see the sun set over our world at the end of the day, only to rise again in its full glory the next day. We see the flowers and the grass fade as winter approaches, only for blooms and green sprouts to appear in the springtime. We see in this dark time in history a heavy darkness covers the earth, but we know that this is not the end of all things. For those who are in Christ Jesus, the heavens will roll back one day. Jesus himself will come again, and when he does, death will be no more, neither sickness, sadness, pain, and tears will be our reality (cf Rev 21:1-14). He will make his dwelling place with us. We will be his people, and he will be our God. And his glory and brilliance will be all that we know and see.
Look to the future. Look forward to the time when the pandemic ends. But look forward to an even greater future. Point your children to the future day that will come when King Jesus will make all things new. We can and will face whatever comes our way because of the future hope we have in Christ Jesus. Now more than ever, we can teach our children to cling to that truth.
5. Get dressed up anyway!
Let your children still wear their nice Easter outfits if you have them! You can even have a DIY photo shoot outside!
6. Write Easter messages on your sidewalk for all to see!
7. Make a special meal together.
We love these empty tomb rolls from “The Girl Who Ate Everything” blog: https://www.the-girl-who-ate-everything.com/empty-tomb-rolls/
8. Make an Easter garden:
9. Pray together
Be sure to pray together as a family on this special day, thanking Jesus for his sacrifice. And for eternal life through him.
10. Work on your Kids Faith Krate!
What has this month’s Krate taught you and your family! We’d love to see your pictures on social media! Tag @kidsfaithkrate so we see your creations! It makes our day!
Happy Easter, everyone!