By: Kate Ritchie
If you're looking for an extra God-centered activity for your family during Spring Break or the next rainy Saturday, we have you covered! It never hurts to have a fun and inexpensive, Christ-centered craft on hand to do at home with your kids. This is a fun way to talk about the character of God, and you probably have most of the supplies on hand!
Teaching children about the character of God is one of the most important and foundational places to start. We can only truly know ourselves and our purpose by knowing the God who made us. This is a fun way to talk about what God is like and how he has made us to reflect his image to the world.
1. ABC banner or ABC flash cards. Here are some options from Amazon from $2-10:
2. A bulletin board or twine and clothes pins. Here are some on Amazon:
3. Paper
4. Markers
5. Tape
6. Scissors
- Hang up your ABC banner or flashcards. You can hang a piece of twine or make a bulletin board. You can post the cards in your house however works best for you.
- Cut strips of paper.
- On the paper strips write a characteristic of God and tape the trait under the letter. (i.e. A “Amazing”, B “Big”, C “Caring”…)
- You can use a Bible app or www.biblegateway.com to search characteristics topically in the Bible. We had fun finding scriptures where God demonstrated the character traits we came up with!
- My three boys took turns coming up with the character traits of God over a couple weeks. This doesn’t have to be done in one day. You can stretch it over a few weeks, or knock it out on a snow afternoon.
- Have a discussion. I asked my kids several questions about the traits they picked. What does that trait mean? How has God demonstrated this to us? God made us “in his image,” which of God’s traits can we show the world?
- Prayer (thank and ask). End your time by praying two ways. First have each kid pick a trait to thank God for showing his people. Second, have each kid ask God to build up one of these traits in themselves. You can continue this for several days or months. It’s a great visual to point back to when talking about God, and it’s a great visual to help teach your kids to pray.
Example: “God, thank you that you are forgiving. Thank you for forgiving our sin and making a way for us to be close to you. I pray today that you would help me to be forgiving when people wrong me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Have a blast teaching and learning about the character of God. Leave a comment or a picture and let us know how you made this activity your own!